
1話 [ Replacement ] 2話 [ Addicted to power ]
3話 [ Dancing in darkness ] 4話 [ Stubborn aesthetics ]
5話 [ Smells like the wandering spirit ] 6話 [ Raindrops ]
7話 [ Simple-mind ] 8話 [ Faith ]
9話 [ Sign of the Craft ] 10話 [ Separate lives ]
11話 [ The soul cages ] 12話 [ Precious illusions ]
13話 [ The eyes of truth ] 14話 [ Loaded Guns ]
15話 [ Time to say Goodbye ] 16話 [ Heal the pain ]
17話 [ Dilemma ] 18話 [ In my pocket ]
19話 [ Missing ] 20話 [ All I really oughta know ]
21話 [ No way out ] 22話 [ Family Portrait ]
23話 [ Sympathy for the Devil ] 24話 [ Rent ]
25話 [ Redemption day ] 26話 [ Time to tell ]

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